Dorcas’ Service Approach. These are the people that express their faith and love for people by meeting needs. They don’t want any credit. They don’t like the spotlight. They just love people. They just see needs and they serve. They don’t have to be real outspoken. They show the love God and the power of Jesus through love, service and care. This was the life of Tabitha or Dorcas as she is most well-known. Her story is revealed in Scripture through the power of Christ raising her from the dead as poured out through the Apostle Peter in Acts chapter 9.
PRAY: Dear God, We have opportunities each day to serve one another. Help us show the world who you are by practically loving each other. In Jesus name, Amen.
READ: Acts 9:36-43
ASK: Describe Dorcas’ needed attitude to live a life of service?
Wrap-up: When considering the service approach, do you see yourself sharing your faith in this way?