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Parent Communications

Ethan Davis

Hey there church family. I’d like to give you a heads up on a few things:

1) Jr and Sr High Parent Texts - I’ve been using text messages to communicate directly to you as parents. These may be articles, videos, or Read & Do communication that is meant specifically for you as parents. Often times in these texts you will receive a link from me that is safe to use to get to the article, video or read and do. I promise this is not spam. Of course, if you are concerned, please feel free to text me if you find any link suspicious.

2) General Jr and Sr High Communication - We utilize an app called Remind for general communication that is meant for both you and your student. Often these are reminders for upcoming events and youth group.

3) Elementary Parent Communication - Starting this Sunday, we will be collecting and updating our elementary information for your kids. Our desire is to make sure that we create a safe environment for your kids in regards to allergies and other special needs. We also want to get new contact information to setup some new ways to connect with you as parents.

4) We want your feedback - Let us know how we are doing. What do you like? What do you not like? How can we get better?

If there is anything we can do to help you as parents win at home, please let us know. We know how tough parenting can be, and we want you to know that you are not alone.

If you are not receiving communication and would like to… please call, text, or email Ethan Davis. It is a great pleasure coming alongside so many wonderful families. God is doing great things in and through you. LET. YOUR. LIGHT. SHINE!

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