For 2018, the leadership at Center would like to give a call to prayer! Scripture is clear that we are to be people of prayer. That involves each of us individually. We are to also be a people of prayer which involves each of us corporately. On the 4th Sunday of each month throughout this year, we will set aside time in each service on Sunday morning to do just that—PRAY. At the beginning of the month we will invite you all to join us in intercessory prayer for a specific area on your own throughout the month and then we will join together for intercessory prayer on the 4th Sunday. Intercessory prayer is when an individual positions himself between two parties—one with a need and one with the answer (God) - and seeks to bring the two parties together. Join us as we stand in the gap for people who need God in the midst of great need. Join us as we grow more and more into the praying church that impacts the world.