"They gave themselves as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability...See that you also excel in this grace of giving...Your plenty will supply what they need.” (2 Corinthians 8:3,7,14) NIV
Faith Promise is a way of giving to world evangelism. Rather than waiting to respond to individual appeals as they come along, believers ask the Lord how much they should give to missions over the next year. They then commit to that annual total as a “Faith Promise”. Faith Promise thus makes missions giving strategic rather than specific.
Is there a scriptural basis for Faith Promise giving?
· Faith Promise giving is more than one can afford. (2 Corinthians 8:2-3, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
· Faith Promise giving reflects our personal commitments. (2 Corinthians 8:5)
· Though Faith Promise giving is optional, it does clearly demonstrate our love. (Philippians 2:1-4; Luke 6:38; Romans 12:9-10)
Who should give to Faith Promise?
Everyone! Children and youth may have less money than adults, but it’s crucial to train them in faithful giving and faith living.
What’s the relationship between Faith Promise and giving a tithe?
· Faith Promise giving is over and above the tithe. Tithing is a clear scriptural principle, dating back to the earliest pages of Genesis. Tithing recognizes God’s ownership over me and all that I have.
· In practical terms, tithe money runs the local church and its ministries. Faith Promise is a way for us to give specifically to reaching the unreached world. Faith Promise giving tangibly expresses my desire that the whole world knows the Good News.
How do I make a Faith Promise?
A Faith Promise is a FAITH commitment. Promise only what you believe God wants to give through you. Then trust God to be faithful in this promise. Other helpful steps in trusting in God and making this commitment are:
· Study the scriptures
· Prayerfully consider the amount you can faithfully propose to give (2 Corinthians 9:7). Pray about it with your spouse and/or family. Do not be surprised at what God lays on your heart. Just be obedient.
· Fill out a Faith Promise card, indicating your Faith Promise and begin to give faithfully throughout the year on a regular schedule of weekly, monthly or quarterly.