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Summer Fun for Kids

Ethan Davis

As I write, there is snow on the ground. Which makes this next statement very difficult to get my mind around. Summer is right around the corner. Yes, yes, cue laughter.

In all reality, now is the time for Mahoning Valley Camp and VBS to be on the front burner. So here are the details you need to know:

CAMP: Camp this year will focus on Evangelism. Think of it this way...if our faith and freedom in Jesus Christ is as good as we say, why would we not SHARE? We have camps available from 1st grade through college age. For more information and to register, visit (Also, there will be more information in the next newsletter.)

VBS: This year’s theme is AMPED—Living Fully Alive! We will explore what it’s like to live life to the full as we experience God’s truth, love, and grace! This year VBS will be held from July 23rd through the 27th

. We need a small army of volunteers to provide a safe, welcoming, and engaging environment for our 2 year olds through 5th graders. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up at the Sign-up Center or visit

Please pray for the many activities involving our children in the coming months.

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